BTS11 V1.6.0.2400 2023-12-21

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Circuit Breaker Test Software BTS11 (English Only)

Used for SA10, SA10A, SA5, SA5A, DCM2, BTS2000, BTS2000A.

To install the program you must have administrator rights.

To make sure that you are an administrator on the computer, right-click the installation icon for the program, 
and then click Run as administrator. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Note that "Use separate settings for all users" option will install database and settings files into 'My DocumentsBTS11' folder. Make sure that your 'My Documents Folder' is not stored on a network drive when using this option.

Microsoft Word is required for protocol printout.
Microsoft Excel is required for export to Excel.

Note! Microsoft Office Apps for Windows WILL NOT WORK!

This software has been tested to work on the following

Operating system

  • Microsoft Windows 10 32-bits and 64-bits

  • Microsoft Windows 11 32-bits and 64-bits

Microsoft Office desktop applications for PC

  • Microsoft Office Version 2308 Build 16.0.16731.20310 32-bits and 64-bit
  • Microsoft Office Version 2205 Build 16.0.15225.20348 32-bits and 64-bits

  • Microsoft Office Version 2016 Build 16.0.4266.1001 32-bits and 64-bits

Version history

  1. BTS11 and its Setup is now digitally signed by Elcon AB
  2. Fixed wrong filter names was displayed for contacts.
  3. Fixed Overtravel did not calculate on some curves with very low overtravel.
  4. Fixed Rebound calculation did not calculate if rebound was before overtravel.
  5. Fixed bugs in Operation cycle.
  6. Fixed minor bugs in DCM graphs display.
  7. Fixed bug that could occur in DCM Trip contact generation.
  8. Fixed Functions values was missing when import/export switch configuration.
  9. Fixed bugs in Setup Switch Type.
  10. Fixed ratings would not get unpacked properly.
  11. Fixed Main, Graph and Test object window now remember their position when using Snap in Windows 10 and 11.
    Select and drag the window like to Snap to the side or edge of your screen.
  12. Fixed Over travel and Rebound measurement did not work on breakers with overtravel before trip operation.
  13. Fixed error in GetCoilArmatureTime when current was negative.
  14. Other various minor improvements.
  1. Fixed error displaying in Setup Inputs for SA5.
  2. Added Reset Digital Counters button to service menu to set digital encoder count to 0.
  3. Fixed problem displaying Motor current on damping curve. Moved Motor curve to its own axis.
  4. Improved graphs display and fixed minor bugs. Added Software setting Add space for curve labels in graph.
  5. Fixed minor issues with display of damping curve.
  6. Fixed bug in curve selection that could display two transducer curves.
  7. Added ability to update parameters on saved curves when changing input connections on test object.
  8. Fixed bug that made motor total time on sequential operation to not display.
  9. Fixed other various minor bugs.
  1. Added New Firmware Version 5.25 For SA5A, SA10A and SA10 with Serial number 700 and later. Fix failed to boot on older CPU boards.
  2. Fixed problem merging DCM operation on 2 pole breakers measured with SA10.
  3. Fixed resistance curve scaling in graph. It will now autmatically set max scale according to peaks with aminimum of 2200 microOhm.
  4. Fixed curve from DCM did not display in DCM service menu.
  5. Fixed bug that could make SA10 & SA5 with software version 4.31 and older (Serial No < 700) retrieve double samples on motor operation to get incorrect motor time.
  6. Fixed other various minor bugs.
  1. Updated BTS11 Manual Appendix3 Pre-defined bookmarks and data fields for printout templates to Rev 6
  2. Added New Firmware Version 5.24 For SA5A, SA10A and SA10 with Serial number 700 and later. Fix failed reset CPU on SA10A SA5A
  3. Fixed bugs in demo mode.
  4. Fixed Text in graph result phase diff C-A instead of incorrect A-C.
  5. Fixed Make three phase would not display object if test parameter had changed.
  6. Fixed overflow occurred on extremely jagged curves in Filter Fit To Exp Curve.
  7. Fixed close and open contact time on single operation took last close time instead of correct first close time in Version
  8. Fixed error when adding travel measurement when curve is open.
  9. Fixed bugs in merge data.
  10. Added check if transducer for input is missing from database.
  11. Improved database speed at loading.
  12. Setup Measurement Added details for selected Conversion Table. Fixed Filter Median do not require any parameter.
  13. Export / import database Fixed error that would occur if comma was in name and Improved speed.
  14. Fixed fill pressure did not display in test object.
  15. Improved Switch type selection in new substation and test object.
  16. Fixed test parameters would not load if new test object was created without existing order.
  17. Fixed bugs in new substation and new test object.
  18. Fixed other various minor bugs.

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Hyttrisvägen 27, SE-770 14 Nyhammar. Sweden
Phone Number
+46-(0)240-64 11 10